While the thought of filing your taxes from the comfort of your home may be appealing. You could be missing out on a larger refund or find you owe less than you anticipated.

More Advanced Software
Professional have access to software that can delve deeper and more accurately to the data from your documents. This reduces the chances of error and provides for a more thorough preparation.

Working with a Human
Imagine you are not feeling well and have a list of symptoms. Now imagine performing a Google search of what troubles you. The resulting diagnosis could range from the common cold to a terminal disease. to have an accurate assessment of health, you would visit a medical professional. They you could ask questions and arrive at the best treatment plan for your condition. It's the same with your financial health. a tax professional can accurately assess, prepare and file your taxes in a way that suits your individual needs. 

Tax Prepares are there for You Year Round
As your individual or family needs change, a trusted professional can be there for you when planning for college, weddings, deaths, new business acquisition or large purchases. As a trusted professional, he or she can answer questions and offer suggestions to help you make arrangements to help avoid surprises at tax time.

Tax Professionals Know How to Handle the Hard Stuff
Divorce, buying/selling a business, investments, inheritance, military or other special needs are not new to a professional. He or she has an understanding of the system, is familiar with IRS rules and does this every day! Working with a professional can save you time, money and aggravation in the long run.

Finally, whether you are filing basic W-2 forms or more complicated ones, earn $20,000 or $2,000,000, visiting a professional may be worth your while. Especially when your peace of mind and financial well stand to benefit. 

GI Tax professionals are available to answer questions, contact GI Tax today. Walk Ins are welcome.

Specializing in military tax returns. The knowledgeable and professional financial advisors and tax preparers at G.I. Tax can assist you through every step of the filing process. With Tax Day quickly approaching, we are here to help with all your tax needs in the Melbourne area. Give us a call at 800-877-4482 today.

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